Hosting & Implementation

Hosting & Implementation

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. (Benjamin Franklin)

Hosting & Maintenance

Most of our clients’ LMS are hosted on the Moodle platform. In 2021 we have deployed a significant number Learning Management Systems and are managing –

26,000 Active Users

58 Custom Designed Courses

43 Subject Matter Experts


Our data security protocols ensure all your information is safe from prying eyes. Servers are fully protected and encryption protocols are in place to stop hacks. We take your security seriously and use advanced security protocols to ensure your information is under virtual lock and key. The protocols include –

  • IP Blockers
  • Anti-Spam Prevention
  • Advanced Password Authentication
  • Back-Up & Disaster Recovery

  • Anti-Virus Software
  • Data Encryption
  • Mobile Security
  • Domain Based Registrations

76% of online learners are using their own devices to access course content and training materials.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Compliance

GDPR compliance affects all businesses and organisations that hold, process, and analyze the personal data of EU subjects. This is regardless of the location of the company.

Organisations failing to comply with GDPR rules may be fined up to €20 million or 4% of annual global turnover. In summary GDPR places significant obligations on how you collect, use and protect personal data.

GDPR applies to all users of your LMS. Our approach to securing your data the highest levels of protection is to provide layers of protection much like the layers of an onion.

Implementation & SetUp

Successful LMS implementation is based on keeping things as user friendly as possible for you the client. We have been designing and deploying Learning Management Systems using Moodle since 2008.

Our approach to executing an LMS implementation is to use the following steps –

Clearly define your requirements, budget and timelines

Are you using an old LMS? We’ll analyse your data and ensure a smooth transition to your new LMS

Ensure the LMS integrates with other software you are using i.e. CRM, E-Commerce, Webinar, Meeting and HR systems

Agree a realistic timeline for implementation taking into account the scope and complexities of the LMS

Before going live we use a focus group to test the system. One you’re happy with the feedback we’re ready to go live.