Visual Design

Visual Design

Design is not just what it Looks Like or Feel Like, but How it Works. (Steve Jobs)

What’s The Difference Between Instructional & Visual Design?

‘First impression is the best impression’ – visual design is the first thing learners notice. Text, sounds, graphics, video and animations reinforce your courses. They activate all the sensory processes making it easier for learners to understand complex concepts and ideas.

The instructional designer must identify learning needs. They use the relevant teaching methods that apply to those needs in order to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Both visual and instructional are essential to creating successful eLearning.

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    Visual Design

    First impression is the best impression

  • 65% are visual learners
  • 30% are auditory learners
  • 5% are kinesthetic learners

Design is the visual language of your online course. When you are explaining complex subject matter visual design stimulates and engages your learner.

Whether it’s increased knowledge and skills or changes of attitudes and behaviour that you want to achieve understanding how people learn is critical.

When information is visualized, it can convey ideas simply. However “One size does not fit all” and the challenge is to match the visual design with the learning styles of a diverse group of learners. We use a variety of visual content to connect with learners –

  • Illustrations & Icons
  • Images
  • Charts & Graphs
  • Screen Captures
  • Animated Gifs

  • Infographics
  • Typography
  • Colours
  • Navigation
  • Icons