The Peninsula Story

What Can Peninsula eLearning Do For You?

Are the challenges of Covid-19 and moving training from on-site to the virtual costing your business time & money?

Is your existing eLearning platform fit for purpose?

Are you experiencing any of these challenges –

  • Delivering Continuing Professional Development to your Association Members?
  • Remote Workplace Training?
  • Onboarding New Team Members?
  • Designing & Delivery New Course Content?
  • Training Customers?
  • Training Partners & Channel Resellers?
  • Engaging Your Learners In A Meaningful Way?
  • Tracking & Facilitating Continuous Workplace Learning?
  • Managing Your Learning Management System?

We can provide a Custom eLearning solution to meet all of these challenges. In 2020 we migrated 28,000 learners and 54 eLearning courses delivered by 29 subject matter experts to the virtual learning environment.

The Peninsula Story

Our vision is to create custom eLearning experiences that connect and engage with learners.

Peninsula eLearning was born from the ashes of the last growls of the Celtic Tiger on the historic peninsula of Howth on the northern shores of Dublin Bay.

Howth has been a centre of learning since early christian times. The Irish monastic tradition of illuminated manuscripts flourished and in the 8th century St. Nessan’s monastery on Ireland’s Eye produced the elaborate parchment manuscript “The Garland of Howth” which is now on display in Trinity College, Dublin.

The Peninsula Tradition

Peninsula eLearning follows in this rich tradition of learning and the quest for knowledge.

We have over 12 years experience of taking complex subject matter and designing eLearning experiences.

Why not Get In Touch or Book A Consultation.