What We Do

Custom eLearning Solutions
We design Custom eLearning Solutions for workplace learning
Instructional Design for eLearning
We take complex subject matter and instructor-led face to face training and convert it to eLearning.
Subject Matter Experts
A key part of Instructional Designer role is to make course content engaging and interactive.
eLearning Videos
eLearning videos are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text and employees learn 5 times more.
Visual Design
‘First impression is the best impression’ – visual design is the first thing learners notice.
Audio Narration
We take the content and create eLearning courses that are stimulating, engaging and interactive.
Learning retention and outcomes increase by 7% as a consequence of closed captioning.
Learning Assessments
Tests, knowledge checks, assessments, quizzes, exams are essential for measuring the learners progress.